Time: 1045pm
Date: 24th Nov 2010, Wed
Venue: Room-4, MBO, Taman University
Price: RM9
Yes, this is the movie! My 1st time to watch movie alone in the cinema, inspiring me to write something about it. *Sweat* This is probably one of the most lame story that I had ever watched! It's about some "undefined moving objects" happened to be coming down from the sky in a sudden, setting in New York City. The outlook of the "undefined moving objects" reminds me of the octopus from "Pirates of the Carribean", and the weird thing about this creature is its partly electronic and partly organic body which is quite disgusting, while its blue light is illustrated to have the ability to attract the human and 'swallow' them. Oh why 'swallow' them ya? Let's wait and see. Another thing, the storyline is not convincing enough with only focussing on 4 main characters, existing in an EMPTY high end condominium! Again for no reason, there are some scenes showing the planes and guns failed to kill the objects, but there is once a lady using a 'kapak' can destroy the object??!!... ... Well, so what about the ending? All the main characters were swallowed one by one eventually, and the objects actually taking away the human brains just to create some new ugly moving objects, hence the whole city is conquered, no man remains surviving...!@#%!$#^!#!!! So please don't waste your money to watch such a no head and tail's story!
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