Yupp...komentar sobat dihargai $25 jika komentar sobat terpilih. Kontes komentar $25 ini diadakan oleh globalenvision.org. Sebuah organisasi yang peduli akan perkembangan yang terjadi didunia, mulai dari agriculture, climate and environment, conflict and war, corporations, culture, economic development, education, energy and oil, food, globalization, governance, health, hiv/aids, humanitarian aid, imports/exports, informal economy. justice, microfinance, dll.
Berikut ini kutipan keterangan Kontes Komentar Mingguan $25 yang aku copas mentah dari globalenvision.org :
We want to hear from you. Yes, you.
Central to Global Envision's mission of exploring the confluence of global markets and poverty alleviation is to inspire dialogue.
That's why we've decided to launch a weekly comment contest with a cash prize of $25.*
So how does it work? Simply comment on our blog posts, and check the box to enter your comment into the weekly contest. You'll need to enter your real name and a valid email address so that we can contact you if you win. There's no limit to how often you can comment, so comment on one blog post or 20, one week or every week.
How will comments be judged? Well, each week we'll simply pick the comment we like best. Sound vague? You betcha. We'll be looking for a variety of things in comments including (but not nearly limited to): thoughtfulness, wit, insight and understanding of the topic. Feel free to challenge us, critique, praise or just plain discuss.
Comment away — we can't wait to hear from you.
Aku coba ngasih komentar tapi berhubung itu hanya komentar percobaan, aku pilih artikel pada bulan Desember 2008,heheheheee... Dan seperti kebanyakan pada blog / web, komentar akan dipublikasikan setelah di setujui oleh admin.
So..buat sobat2 yang rajin memberi komentar dan bisa bahasa inggris, gak ada salahnya ikut kontes komentar ini. Selain sapa tau sobat bisa mendapatkan uang $25 (aminn...), sobat juga ikut memberikan masukan yang berguna, tidak cuma bisa komentar pertamaxxx....wkekekekekkeke....
Klik disini dan bersiaplah mendapatkan $25 dari komentar sobat,hehehehe...
Mau ikutan kontes yg laen?? Klik disini tapi maf..masih baru..hehehehee...
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