Over a month ago, artist Jay Rolfe bought tickets to tour The Barnes Foundation today with his wife Randy Rolfe and fellow artist Matt King. The long anticipated day arrived. It is a glorious day, sunny and crisp. The Barnes is spectacular. It has the world's largest collection of paintings by Renoir (181), Cezanne (69), and Matisse (59). It also has 46 works by Picasso and works by many other impressionist and modern artists, as well as old masters. As always I loved it. We all did.
Today's photo is one of the few images on the Barnes website - photos are not permitted inside the gallery - Henri Matisse's "The Joy Of Life." It's a large painting, very colorful, fun, and joyous. The second photo is of the three of us mugging it up in front of the museum.
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/.
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