Artist Jay Rolfe has added several new photos of his innovative 3-D paintings, 3DSSC or 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, to his website. The photo of the day is of "American Gothic Nude" which is a 4' high version of artist Jay Rolfe's 8' high "American Gothic Uncovered." It's painted on canvas and includes a real hayfork. You can view details about both on Jay Rolfe's website http://www.jayrolfe.com/. Both paintings are inspired by Grant Wood's iconic painting "American Gothic" which is displayed at and was seen by artist Jay Rolfe at the Art Institute of Chicago. Here's a link to "American Gothic" on their website. http://www.artic.edu/artaccess/AA_Modern/pages/MOD_5.shtml
That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/. Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create Uplifting Conversation Pieces.
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