On Wednesday, artist Jay Rolfe visited the University of Pennsylvania to hear a lecture by artist Kiki Smith delivered at the Harrison auditorium of the Penn Museum of Anthropology and Archeology, and the ICA museum, and the Arthur Ross Gallery in the Furness Building. It was very nostalgic, as Jay Rolfe attended undergrad and law school at U of P. It was morre nostalgic because the artist had watched the DVD "Across the Universe" the night before. "Across the Universe" is set in the 60's Vietnam War era in NYC and features about 30 Beatles songs, the lyrics of which actually fit the narrative. Amazing writing, and a well done movie (as a Penn grad, I should say film instead of movie). "Across the Universe" had brought up many memories - I met my wife there, partied, courted, demonstrated for peace, and of course attended classes and hung out all around there.
The Dirty Drug was a hangout for coffee and snacks on the corner of 34th and Walnut Sts. It's real name was Cy's Penn Luncheonette - I only remembered because I saw a photo of it - but everyone called it the Dirty Drug. The stores in that area have been replaced by a modern building in university style, but still have stores on the first floor. One irony is that the funky Dirty Drug has been replaced in the exact same location by a Starbucks with its clean corporate look!
Today's photo of the day is from the window of an Urban Outfitters store. The man's tee shirt seems to tell what some modern women seem to think is all a man is good for. From the number of single or divorced middle aged women walking their dogs at the local nature preserve, it looks like many of us have been replaced by dogs and their unconditional love.
That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his innovative 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/. Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create Uplifting Conversation Pieces.