Artist Jay Rolfe believes his large 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings are Uplifting Conversation Pieces. "People have an immediate emotional reaction to my paintings. My paintings bring up feelings of something that is now or was in childhood important to them. The feelings are almost always uplifting. And they stimulate conversation. Guests are amazed and love to talk about them." Rolfe enjoys creating his unique and uplifting conversation pieces.
Today's photo is Yellow Brick Road which is 8' high, 4' wide, and 3.5" deep 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas painting. In "The Wizard of Oz," the yellow brick road symbolized the journey to get what you want. For many viewers, it has that association when they see my painting.
This is the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's unique artistic idea, his 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/.
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