Sunday, July 31, 2011

Syria Is A Mess

A graphic look around a hospital;

And a VERY graphic video of a guy who's head has been blown off::

Blown off by security forces (Army) that the very citizens pay for.  Nice place Syria is..


Onion Domes and Brick Buildings


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via Moscow Daily Photo by Ashira on 7/30/11

Brick buildings, apartment blocks, an overly large Mercedes-Benz logo which sits atop one of the apartment blocks, a star from one of the Kremlin towers, and the ubiquitous onion domes of the Kremlin churches - must be Moscow!
posted by Ashira


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Saturday, July 30, 2011

The US Debt Issue..

If you think the world isn't watching, Al Jazeera English has it as the top story..

It's maddening, listening to the crap from both sides this weekend.  Just cut the spending/tax loop-holes and raise the Debt Limit.  Call me if you want to know how to cut spending.  I have seen the waste at DOD and "civilian" government institutuions....

It's simple, stop "spend it or you won't get it next year", and let them report those dollars back to the Treasury.  1 Trillion easy, over the next 10 years..

Think about it: If every Office/Division across the Federal Government and DOD reported back what they would have wasted, just to spend it? It's a simple mandate, "Cut what you spend, or it will be imposed upon you".

Into the Sun


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via Moscow Daily Photo by Irina on 7/30/11

I like to make "the standing-in front of-the-sun" shots. I know they look the same and not professional. And being the amateur photographer I never know how the shot will turn out, it is always the adventure for me. The problem happens when amateur decides that the photo is worth sharing))).

The first photo shows the contours of business center constructed in the beginning of 21st century. 
The second photo was made in the beginning of last summer and shows the site in normal daylight. In 2010 it was rather grey day and the lady in swimming suit was inviting to go to Egypt for vacations..

I have recently found out that the tower in these photos was nicknamed by anonymous people living around. They call it "Canis'(dog's) .." (well, switch on your imagination and knowledge of sharp English words).
It is amazing how exact and sensible can be the street language. Everything is here: attitude to modern Moscow architecture, humor, satire, bitterness.

Posted by Irina.


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I like this, but I have no idea why...

Don't Fuck With Frogs

New Arbat Street


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via Moscow Daily Photo by Ashira on 7/30/11

Looking down New Arbat Street. The large buildings are apartment blocks, and they line nearly the entire street! The views from the tops must be amazing, from there you can see nearly half the city. I've never been up there, but I've seen pictures taken from the top floors and even the roof - simply breathtaking.
posted by Ashira


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TOP 1 Oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia

TOP 1 Oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia Dengan tagline "TOP 1 Oli Sintetik Mobil-Motor Indonesia", oli TOP1 berusaha untuk memperkuat brand sebagai penyedia oli sintetik untuk mobil dan motor di Indonesia. Oli adalah penopang utama dari kerja sebuah mesin. Bukan itu saja, oli juga menentukan performa dan daya tahan mesin. Semakin baik kualitas oli yang digunakan, semakin baik pula performa dan daya tahan mesin. Fungsi oli bukan hanya sebagai pelumas saja, melainkan juga sebagai pendingin dan pembersih mesin. Sebagai pelumas, oli melumasi seluruh komponen yang bergerak di dalam mesin untuk mencegah terjadinya kontak langsung antarkomponen yang terbuat dari logam. Sebagai pendingin, oli juga harus mampu mengurangi panas yang ditimbulkan oleh gesekan antarlogam pada mesin yang bergerak
Pengertian oli sintetik sendiri adalah oli yang dibuat dengan bahan dasar dari unsur-unsur kimia sintetik dan penambahan aditif. Hasil yang diperoleh dari oli sintetik adalah oli dengan daya tahan lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan oli mineral

Keunggulan oli sintetik dibandingkan oli mineral :
- Lebih stabil pada temperatur tinggi
- Mencegah terjadinya endapan karbon pada mesin
- Sirkulasi lebih lancar pada waktu start pagi hari/cuaca dingin
- Melumasi dan melapisi metal lebih baik dan meminimalisir gesekan antar logam yang berakibat kerusakan mesin
- Tahan terhadapan perubahan/oksidasi sehingga lebih tahan lama sehingga lebih ekonomis dan efisien
- Meningkatkan tenaga dan mesin lebih dingin
- Mengandung detergen yang lebih baik untuk membersihkan mesin dari kerak

TOP 1 Oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia, menggunakan paket aditif Molytrinuclear yang jauh lebih baik dibanding dengan aditif yang lain. Kelebihan paket aditif Molytrinuclear :
1. Memiliki 3 atom pada inti molekul-molekulnya yang terikat membentuk senyawa yang melapisi secara kuat dan tidak mudah pecah diantara celah-celah mesin yang bergerak, sehingga mesin lebih stabil dan bekerja langsung ketika dinyalakan
2. Menggelincir satu sama lain dengan lancar yang akan menghasilkan gesekan minimal dan akselerasi maksimal
3. Bersifat seperti Graphite yang secara instan bereaksi dengan permukaan logam, memberikan lapisan pelindung film mikroskopik sehingga lebih optimal melindungi komponen mesin dari keausan
4. Melindungi secara maksimal bahkan dalam kecepatan rendah dengan beban rendah

Dengan kelebihan oli TOP 1 Oli sintetik mobil-motor Indonesia dalam menghasilkan oli sintetik yang berkualitas, seperti oli yang sejernih air, teknologi VX-12 yang akan melindungi melindungi mesin lebih sempurna dan 12 kali lebih tahan terhadap keausan metal dibanding standar minimum API Service SL dan 5 kali lebih baik dibanding pelumas kelas dunia lainnya dan juga teknologi Mo3 yang memadukan base oil berkualitas terbaik dengan aditif Molytrinuclear, tentunya merupakan nilai lebih bagi konsumen oli umumnya dan mesin mobil dan motor khususnya.

So, oli anda TOP 1 juga kan??

Friday, July 29, 2011


The Senate GOP Slaps The Tea Party, A Bit..

Lindsey Graham and David Vitter joined with Democrats today, to dispose of the House Debt bill that would force a real bad constitutional "Balanced Budget Amendment".

Graham is smart when he needs to be. Vitter, is still under consideration. Regardless, they joined in to assure that when the day comes (and it will), when the "health insurance" companies have driven the US economy to the edge of a cliff..we can end them. We can have a single payer health care system in the US.

Thanks Lindsey and David, for being forward thinking...

NYPD Disposes Of Fireworks

Least they could have done was wait till dusk...

Juno Mission To Jupiter  Some nice animation at the link.  Set to take off next Friday at 11:30 EST.  Cool mission..

M is for Motley Crue

Motley Crue is an American heavy metal band that emerged in Los Angeles in 1981. The band consists of Nikki Sixx on bass guitar, drummer Tommy Lee, lead guitarist Mick Mars, and lead vocalist Vince Neil. Almost all of the members have had brushes with the law and some even did jail time, as a result of drugs, alcohol, flings with women. Their main trademark is that almost all of them are heavily tattooed.

Most of their fame came in the 1980s, which they made the albums Theatre of Pain, Girls Girls Girls and Shout At the Devil, all which basically showcased their love of alcohol, motorcycles and strip clubs.

They have all had brushes with the law, in 1984, Neil was heading home from a liquor store when he became involved in head on collision, his passenger, Hanoi Rocks drummer, Nicholas 'Razzle' Dingley was killed. He was later charged with DUI and vehicular manslaughter and spent 30 days in jail.

On Dec. 23, 1987, Sixx experienced a near fatal heroin overdose. On the way to the hospital, he was declared legally dead. But one of the medics, who was a Crue fan, gave him 2 shots of adrenaline to bring him back to life. That was the inspiration for the song Kickstart My Heart.

Their song, Dr. Feelgood, was ranked as the #7 Air Guitar Song of All Time.

L is for Lady Gaga

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta was born on March 28, 1986 in New York City. She is best known by her stage name, Lady Gaga.
What got her noticed is her track Poker Face, off her The Fame album, which premiered in 2008. It had a follow up called the Fame Monster in 2009, with tracks like Bad Romance, Alejandro, Telephone. In 2011, she ahd another album come out, called Born This Way. Her inspiration comes from glam rockers like David Bowie and Freddie Mercury, and pop singers like Madonna and Michael Jackson. Her trademark is her strange and unusual outfits, her dancing in the music videos and her style of music.

She also recieved an award at the 53rd Grammy Awards on Feb. 11, 2011. She played the song Born This Way.

How she got her name Lady Gaga is she was inspired by Queen's song Radio Gaga. She also has a creative production team called Haus of Gaga, which handles and designs all of her outfits, stage props and hairdos. She considers John Lennon her personal hero and that's why she has a peace sign tattoo in remembrance of him, she is also a humanitarian, she did a concert from her Monster Ball tour to help raise money for Haiti, she did a concert to help raise money for Japan after the earthquake, she contributes in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and also is a huge supporter of gay rights. And she also tries wants bullying to stop.

From the Poker Face video

She is actually very beautiful

K is for Ke$ha$ha

Kesha Rose Sebert was born on March 1, 1987. She is a well known American song writer. She was born and raised in the Los Angeles area of California. In January 2010, her debut album Animal debuted, and was #1 in the US. And in November of the same year, the album Cannibal was released, with the #1 hit single We R Who We R

The kind of music she does is a mix of country, pop rock, hard electro. Most of her music has a talky rap style to it, like the track Tik Tok. But she never set out to be a rap singer. Her musical inspirations consist of 1980s pop and dance music, hip hop and punk. Her country influences are Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton.

J is for Journey

Journey is an American rock band that formed in San Francisco in 1977 with former members of Santana. They have gone thru several members and most of their success came between the late 1970s and 1987. During that time, they released one of their most famous ballads Don't Stop Believin. This song is known by virtually everyone in the world and even by people who may not listen to them.

The former members of the band consisted of: George Tickner(rhythm guitar),Greg Rolie(Keyboards, harmonica, vocals), Aynsley Dunbar(drums), Robert Fleischman(lead vocals), Steve Perry(lead vocals), Steve Smith(drums, percussion), Randy Jackson(bass, vocals),Steve Augeri(lead vocals, guitar), Herbie Herbert(manager)

The current members consist of: Neal Schon(lead guitar, vocals), Ross Valory(bass, vocals), Jonathan Cain(keyboards, rhythm guitar, vocals), Deen Castronovo(drums, percussion), Arnel Pineda(lead vocals), Irving Aznoff(manager)

In 1997, Perry left the band because he was hiking in Hawaii and he injured his hip. He refused to undergo hip replacement surgery and Schon decided to start looking for a new lead singer. And in Dec. 2007, that's when Schon found the person who would become a permanent member of Journey, a Filippino singer named Arnel Pineda, who was on YouTube with his band the Zoo, singing covers of famous Journey songs. He was invited to the US and people at the airport were surprised to hear he was going ot audition as Journey's new lead singer. The album that he did with Journey, Revelation, made the top of the charts.

I is for INXS

I'm skipping H, there's no musicians I can think of for this letter.

INXS is an Australian-based rock band that started in 1977 in Syndey, New South Wales. The band consists of Gary Beers on bass guitar, Andrew Farriss on guitar/keyboards, Jon Farriss on drums, Tim Farriss on lead guitar, Kirk Pengilly on saxophone/guitar, Michael Hutchence on lead vocals. Michael's good looks and strong stage presence made him like the focal point of the band, almost like an Australian Steven Tyler. Their early music involved New Wave/ska/pop style music, but later on went on to doing pub rock and funk/dance style music

In the early 1980s, they started in their native Australia with their self titled album INXS. Did you ever happen to notice that alot of bands first albums are self titled albums? In 1997, Hutchence died and the band did not perform for over a year. In 2005, the hunt was on for a new lead singer, and they ended up finding Canadian singer J.D. Fortune as the new lead vocalist.

In 2004, the band had a small show called Rock Star: INXS, basically this show was to help find a new lead vocalist. On Sept. 20, 2005, J.D. Fortune, who was a Canadian-based singer, won the competition by singing the Rolling Stones hit You Can't Always Get What You Want and the INXS hit What You Need. And after that, he became the new lead vocalist.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Improving Health Care, Bottom Up...

Watch the full episode. See more FRONTLINE.

Hyatt Skywalk Collapse 1981

I was in boot camp and we were cut off from news at that time. Never heard about this  Freaky accident...

Lisa Nowak Expelled From The Navy/NASA

Bye bye carzy bitch.  Enjoy retiremennt on our nickle.  She didn't get the dishonorable discharge that she deserved...

While no excuse, the root of the problem is probably some guy she totally loved (before ever starting NASA training), who couldn't take her being gone so much.  Sad ending to a great career.


LAKE QUINSIGAMOND PARK (Indian name, anyway)

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